Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain/Palin are Lying to Us!

Dear Friends,

I'd like to refer you to a few newsworthy op eds recently appearing in the national and local press. The one readily available to you was published in this week's Time and was written by Joe Klein, a conservative republican writer entitled "The Lying Game". "Every politician stretches the truth. But McCain is running a uniquely dishonest campaign". Considering the source, everyone in this country should read this insightful article. It turns out that John McCain is as sleazy (Klein's word) as they come. Not included in this piece was a yet to be written backgrounder on McCain. The only reason he ever was accepted by the Naval Academy was because of his father and grandfather, both having risen to the rank of Admiral. I've been told that he finished dead last in his class. That after he return from Vietnam, finding his wife severely injured and permanently disfigured, he went on a hunt to find a trophy wife with big bucks. He fell in love with his current wife, Cindy, a very wealthy beer distributor heiress, or at least we are led to believe he fell in love. After convincing her to marry him he then filed for a marriage licence weeks before filing divorce papers from his now previous wife. You read everyday in the papers how he is manipulating the campaign finance reforms to tap the very sources of money that the McCain/Fiengold bill was supposed to make illegal. His campaign staff is made up of some of the most powerful lobbyists in this country contrary to his previously stated desire to limit the powers of lobbyists. He has little to say positive and rather than addressing the issues, he is attacking Obama with untruths. Do we really know where he stands on anything? Or what he stands for? And what about Sarah "Barracuda"? That for another day.



GJL said...

First off, Joe Klein of Time is most assuredly NOT a conservative, and I would venture to guess that he's also not a Republican. In a recent article he wrote:

"This is ironic and weirdly self-defeating, since the liberal message of national improvement is profoundly more optimistic, and patriotic, than the innate conservative pessimism about the perfectibility of human nature.",8599,1727502,00.html

I doubt that a conservative would classify conservatism as innately pessimistic.

Secondly, how does McCain's married life have any bearing on his ability to be president? By all accounts, President Clinton did not have the greatest of married life, and I'm sure many a Democrat (and even some Republicans and Independents) would rank him as a successful President.

Finally, an Obama supporter should be the last one bringing up campaign finance as Obama's campaign is well ahead of McCain's fundraising efforts.

Honestly, I find faults and assets of both candidates. I think both candidates are not 100% truthful (they ARE politicians). Attempts on both sides to demonize the other is disappointing, and, in my mind, counterproductive.

Unknown said...

All I know is that 1 vote either way in New Hampshire could easily determine our next President, and leader of the free world.... I'd encourage all of us to visit the Live Free or Die state in the next 6 weeks....